Social media Tag Filter
Filter made easy.
Request a minimum of @tags in a comment to be a valid participant

Social media Comment Filter
Filter by comments
Allow the replies to comments to count as participation in your Giveaway

Social media Participants Filter
Control your participants entries
Remove duplicate entries to your Giveaway so everybody has an equal chance to win

Social media multiple winner
Pick multiple winners
1 or 20 winners ? Simply enter your number and no stress

Social media Text filter
@mention, #hashtag or “text” filter made easy.
Filter potential winners with specific @mention, #hashtag or specific “words”

Social media excel export
Export to excel with ease
Export full list of comments and usernames of participants in a spreadsheet format to do more

Social media Bonus entries
Add bonus participants entries easily
Manually add any participants names to your Giveaway.

Social media giveaway Extra chance
Give Extra chances to your participants.
Offer extra entries for “comments” and @tags to increase win probability

Social media Multi giveaway picker
Pick from Multiple Posts and from multiple social media
Pick from multiple post on facebook, instagram and youtube to choose your winner.

Social media Text filter
Winner announcement media
Osortoo’s visual template offer you a cool way to announce your winner with image or video in post ans stories format

Social media participants blacklist
Blacklist bots or any participants
Exclude a list of participants from the winning your giveaway.